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Thursday, December 13, 2012


Friday, October 23, 2009

  This is an older post but still rings true!

 Remember The Reader

I would hope even though it's hard to keep getting rejection notices that writers will keep writing. I have said before that I have never let that stop me from going on with my career. I know it might sound crazy to some but I refuse to give up.

For the last several weeks I have been trying to focus on what I can do to help new writers keep writing and what I have come up with is to show them how I continue on. I am writing a new book because it makes me happy. That is really what’s important.

Many people have asked me why I have self – published books. My answer is always the same. That wasn’t my original plan. I now feel so lucky that self- publishing has turned into a very impressive division of the writing world.

When my books are being read, the reader isn’t as interested in the publisher as they are in the author. They really don’t care who publishes the book, they are reading the story. If they like what they have read I have done my job. With all the talk about self publishing, the one thing that is hardly ever talked about is the reader. If the reader is happy I am happy. So, when you’re sitting at your computer wondering if what you are doing makes any sense at all try to remember, give your reader a good story and they will come back for more.



5.0 out of 5 stars Sow today, reap tomorrow, December 13, 2012
This review is from: Bad Choices (Faces Behind the Stones) (Kindle Edition)
Choices. We make numerous ones each day, right and wrong. As children, we learn through trial and error as we discover how to make our way through this world. Bumps, skinned knees, bruises and cuts are the trophies we carry while we grow. During the tumultuous teenage years, we have migrated from learning how to control our physical bodies to gaining understanding of controlling our inner thoughts, feelings and mental state.

This journey is made even more difficult by the settings teenagers sometimes find themselves in. The wrong crowd, the wrong voice listened to, the wrong decision made, can forever alter the trajectory of their lives. This book, through the clever use of a stroll inside a cemetery, highlights the circumstances of the demise of each name etched into a headstone. The bad choices they made in life will forever haunt them in death.

Death is something each of us will face no matter how vehemently we fight it. Young adults, more especially teenagers, seem to encapsulate themselves with the notion that they are invincible. These stories of those that made bad choices while still alive, and are now suffering the repercussions of their earthly actions, illuminates the reality that what you sow today, you reap tomorrow.

I recommend this book for all teenagers, parents and young adults. Quite the wake up call.