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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Bethany Cross Is On The Move Again!

Well things around the homefront have finally settled down and for those of you who truly know me, know how crazy it has made me to be away from my writing for this long. But thanks to the Powers that Be and the best Publisher a girl could ask for (Thanks E) I seem to be getting back on track and here we go again...My next release Principal Desire is scheduled for June 3 with Rebel Ink Press. I also have another one 'The Cowgirl Way' that I don't have a release date for yet as well as several more I am working on.
So, Thanks to all those out there still reading my stories and waiting for the next one; and to all those amazing Authors out there pounding on their keyboards everyday to give us these wonderful stories to read; and a special Thank You to my partner in crime for being there for me and continually telling me everything would be OK...Marsha Cook (who writes as Madison Montgomery). And don't forget to stop over at AuthorsTalkRomance where we talk about everything romance from sweet to heat.
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Posted By BethanyCross to Romance Erotic Style at 4/23/2013 12:00:00 AM

Monday, April 22, 2013


Marsha Casper Cook welcomes TIFERET Journal publisher Donna Baier Stein, editor Melissa Stud­dard and associate editor and World of Ink show host R “Jeff” Jeffreys.

Marsha will speak with Donna, Melissa and Jeff about the just published, “The Tiferet Talk Interviews” book and TIFFERET Journal’s community of writers, poets and influential and spiritual thinkers of today.

Donna Baier Stein is the publisher of TIFERET Journal, a writer, editor and producer of Tiferet Talk radio interviews. Her writing has appeared in New York Quarterly, Virginia Quarterly Review, Prairie Schooner and many other journals and anthologies. She has received a Fellowship from Johns Hopkins University Writing Seminars, the PEN/New England Discovery Award, Honorable Mention in Allen Ginsberg Poetry Awards, four Pushcart nominations, a New Jersey Council for the Arts grant, awards from the Poetry Societies of Virginia and NH, and more.
Melissa Stud­dard is the editor for TIFFERET Journal and author of the best­selling novel, Six Weeks to Yehi­dah (recipient of the For­ward National Lit­er­a­ture Award and Pinnacle Book Achievement Award). Her writings have appeared in dozens of jour­nals and antholo­gies. She is a reviewer-at-large for The National Poetry Review, a college pro­fes­sor, a teach­ing artist for The Rooster Moans Poetry Coop­er­a­tive, host of TIFFERET Talk interviews and much more.

 link to the show
Purchase "The Tiferet Talk Interviews":
The Tiferet Talk Interviews book
Donna Baier Stein
Melissa Studdard
The Write Step with R Jeffreys
Six Weeks to Yehidah
Broadcast in Writing


Please join Marsha Casper Cook on April 23 at 9 PM EST 8PM CST 7 PM MT 6PM PST on A GOOD STORY IS A GOOD STORY when she welcomes Lauren Carr and Kelly Abell as her special guests. This is going to be both entertaining and informative. These two women are not only successful authors they have companies that help publish, format and promote authors. They’re great at marketing and helping writers get noticed and have successful careers as authors. Also Cindy McDonald, an author with Acorn will be joning us.

This is going to be a great show so don’t forget to listen live or listen later on demand right after the show is over.

Bethany Cross will be there to open the phone lines and chat rooms.

Please join Marsha Casper Cook on April 23 at 9 PM EST 8PM CST 7 PM MT 6PM PST on A GOOD STORY IS A GOOD STORY when she welcomes Lauren Carr and Kelly Abell as her special guests. This is going to be both entertaining and informative. These two women are not only successful authors they have companies that help publish, format and promote authors. They’re great at marketing and helping writers get noticed and have successful careers as authors. Also Cindy McDonald, an author with Acorn will be joning us.

This is going to be a great show so don’t forget to listen live or listen later on demand right after the show is over.

Bethany Cross will be there to open the phone lines and chat rooms.

show's link

For more info