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Thursday, March 28, 2013


(714) 242-5259 CALL IN NUMBER

Please join host Marsha Cook and co host  Bennet Pomerantz with their guests Rick Polson, Abagail Carter and Kelsye Nelsen on March 29 at 5PM EST 4PM CST 3PM MT 2PM PST.
Rick is the author of MAKING A SUPERSTAR COMPANY. His book should be a must have for authors and owners of small businesses. In today's world it's a book that gives you many different ways to successfully advertise your business and market to sell books or products.
Kelsye Nelson and Abigail Carter are the co founders of powers the new and self-publishing revolution by connecting writers directly with the vendors and freelancers they need to create their books and get them sold. By posting bid-able service requests in our online marketplace, content creators of all kinds may build their own publishing team of copyeditors, book designers, marketing consultants and so on as needed to create a dream team of professionals that will help them launch their book into the hungry market and meet their publishing goals. This is a perfect avenue for the new and seasoned author.
This is going to be a great show and Bethany Cross will be there to open the chatroom for questions.

For more info
marsha casper cook
bennet pomerantz
kelsye nelson
abigail carter
rick polson
Broadcast in Marketing

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Authors of World Of Ink Network

Meet the hosts of World Of Ink Network and their work.  Here's a sneak peak of our blog.

All of the hosts are authors so we have put together a new place where all our guests and their friends can find us and what we do.
We will be updating this blog so please check back with us frequently because we are always doing new projects! 

Comments are always welcome and questions will be answered by one of us.

One special thanks goes out to J.D. Holiday for setting up this Blog


Link to the blog