July 21, 2011 -- Please join host Marsha Cook for A GOOD STORY IS A GOOD STORY on July 22 at 1 PM EST 12 Noon CST
Author of IMMORTAL, Traci L Slatton, a Kindle special pick author, will be on Blog Talk Radio - WORLD OF INK NETWORK Friday July 22 at 1PM EST
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Join Marsha Cook when she welcomes Traci L.Slatton who will be discussing her very successful career as a writer. At the age of 16, upon completing her junior year of high school, Traci was accepted at Yale University. She graduated at the age of 20 with a B.A. in English. She received an M.F.A. in Creative Writing, Poetry, from Columbia University in 1988.As part of her spiritual quest, she attended the renowned four-year Barbara Brennan School of Healing, graduating in 1996.Her first novel IMMORTAL was very successful and her new novels FALLEN and THE BOTTICELLI AFFAIR will be the topic of discussion. It's going to be a great show and lots of fun.
Denise Spooner will be in the chat room to take calls. The phone number is 714-242-5259.
Listen on live or on demand
More information can be found online at http://www,michiganavenuemedia.com