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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A GOOD STORY IS A GOOD STORY - HOST MARSHA COOK 03/22 by WorldOfInkNetwork | Blog Talk Radio

Please join Marsha Casper Cook and R Jeffreys on Thursday March 22   2PM PST  3 PM MT  4PM CST 5PM  EST In a very special A GOOD STORY IS A GOOD STORY about the courage it takes to be a child with Cancer or a sibling with a brother or sister who has Cancer or a parent whose child has cancer. Mathew and Danielle Drake have started a project that really makes a difference in the lives of children with Cancer or other terminal illnesses. Mathew and Danielle learn everything they can about the children the book will be going to and then they personalize each book for the family. 

Sandra Elrod will be opening the phone and chat room.

link to the show -
A GOOD STORY IS A GOOD STORY - HOST MARSHA COOK 03/22 by WorldOfInkNetwork | Blog Talk Radio

Monday, March 19, 2012

Snack Attack by Marsha Casper Cook 03/24 by Its Story Time Gather Round | Blog Talk Radio

Join authors JD Holiday andChristy Condoleo onSaturday March 24, 201210AM est, 9AM cst, 8AM mst & 7AM pst,  for the story bookSnack Attack by Marsha Casper Cook
Addison's mom lets him have whatever he wants to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Addison quickly learns how easy it can be to have too much of a good thing! A portion of the royalties go BREAST CANCER RESEARCH
Marsha Casper Cook’s site:
The author will be here to read her story!
All stories read on the show are copyrighted by the authors. The show has permission from the authors to read their books and display pictures from it.  

link to the show

Snack Attack by Marsha Casper Cook 03/24 by Its Story Time Gather Round | Blog Talk Radio



Please join  Marsha Cook and Bethany Cross on Tuesday March 20  for another wonderful show on Romance - love is love - so join us at 9 PM-EST - 8PM CST - 7MT - 6 PM for an entertaining and informative discussion. Our guests are Mike Woody, Melissa Keir and Dawne Prochilo. The chat room and phone lines will be open.
 CALL IN NUMBER  - (714) 242-5259

The chat room and phone lines will be open. (714) 242-5259
                                                      Link to the show