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Thursday, September 9, 2010

A GOOD STORY IS A GOOD STORY - RR TRACKS - Monday September 13 - 8PM CST - 9 PM EST - 6 PM -PST - - marsha casper cook, books , e books

Red River Radio / A Good Story Is A Good Story- BLOG TALK RADIO - -- Monday September 13, at 8PM CST - 9PM EST - 6 PM CPST- Marsha Cook is the host and her co- hosts are April Robin, Freda Roberts and Virginia Grenier. Marsha is a screenwriter, novelist and the President of Marcus Bryan and Associates Michigan Avenue Media and Marcus Maxwell Inc. April is the CEO of Robin Falls, the creator of a wonderfully talented network of writers are well as children’s authors. Freda is a talented writer and creator of Literary Lounge on Facebook.Virginia is the Founder and Owner of Stories for Children Publishing
LLC; she’s an author and editor and writes a successful blog as well as an online Magazine.
This week’s show is a hot topic in the publishing industry. Allan Kalar is the editor for AKW books, an eBook publisher. He does exactly what the traditional publishers do; he finds a talented author with something important to say and publishes them. The only difference is the books come out as an eBook. This is one of the fastest growing Industries in the business. The discussion will be very informative on all the new ways new authors can get noticed. What a difference five years makes ...five years ago this was just starting to take off and now it's an Industry that HIT THE JACK POT! If you're a writer that won't quit until you get published this is the show you will want to listen to.


AKW Books (