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Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Writing Mama with hosts VS Grenier and Marsha Casper Cook 04/08 by WorldOfInkNetwork | Blog Talk Radio

The Mean Mom and Author Natalie June Reilly on Blog Talk Radio’s
World of Ink Network show: The Writing Mama –April 8, 2011 at
5pm EST,(4pm Central,3pm MST, and 2pm PST

Blog Talk Radio’s World of Ink Network Show: The Writing Mama with hosts VS Grenier and Marsha Casper Cook will be chatting with The Mean Mom and Author Natalie June Reilly about her most recent book, My Stick Family, Helping Children Cope with Divorce.
Natalie is a happily single mean mom living in Peoria, Arizona, raising two extraordinary teenage boys. She is the author of the children's book, My Stick Family: Helping Children Cope with Divorce. And she is a community columnist for the Arizona Republic, a contributor for Phoenix Woman magazine, Chicken Soup for the Soul: A Tribute to Mom, Chicken Soup for the Soul: Tough Times, Tough People, Raising Arizona Kids, The Big Apple Parent, Sign of the Times and various other newspapers and magazines throughout the country.
She is excited to be a part of the publishing world, a beautiful place where she can write and share her tales of trial and triumph; humor and humility; love and laundry. It is her humble honor to belong to a community of writers who have helped shape her way of thinking and who have long been her literary heroes (i.e. Erma Bombeck, Dave Barry and Shel Silverstein).
Natalie will also be sharing parenting tips, getting through divorce, event information, and trials and tribulations of the writer’s life on BTR’s World of Ink Network show: The Writing Mama.

The show will air live, April 8, 2011 at 5pm EST (4pm Central, 3pm MST, and 2pm PST). Tune in at the BTR World of Ink Network site at You can listen/call in at (714) 242-5259. (Note: if you can’t make the show, you can listen on demand at the same link.)

You can find out more about Natalie June Reilly at

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Tuesday, April 5, 2011


On Friday April 8,2PM PST- 3PM MST-4 PM CST- 5PM EST Natalie June Reilly will be discussing her book, THE STICK FAMILY on blog talk radio with hosts Marsha Cook and Virginia Grenier. Natalie is a single, working mother of two teenage boys and the author of the beloved children's book, "My Stick Family, Helping Children Cope with Divorce." She is a junior at Arizona State University pursuing her B.A. in Communications. She believes that persistence is the key to success, along with having one person on your team who believes in you.

Listen in or later on demand - 714-242-5259

link to show

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Xlibris Author Fran Lewis Gets Featured on Indie Observer
Posted March 30th, 2011 by xlibrispr
in Publishing & Printing IndianaCorporate News

Indie Observer, Xlibris’ monthly newsletter, is proud to announce Fran Lewis as their Featured Author for the month of March.

For authors who want to share their story, nothing is more fulfilling than having completed the whole publishing process and knowing that it is available on sale. That’s just how Fran Lewis felt when she published her books with Xlibris.

As a child, published author Fran Lewis was often bullied. She used her sense of humor and intelligence to get through difficult situations. This serves as her inspiration for the main character of the books “Bertha Fights Back”, “Bertha Speaks Out” and “My Name is Bertha”. She also published two books that provide a great resource for understanding and preventing Alzheimer’s and dementia.

The book “Sharp As A Tack or Scrambled Eggs: Which Describes Your Brain?” provide readers with stimulating brain games, physical exercise and tips for activities that help keep the mind alert and fit. In the book “Memories are Precious (Alzheimer's Journey: Ruth's Story)”, Fran Lewis shares inspiring stories to help create awareness and hope for a cure for Alzheimer’s. The book is dedicated to her mother who has Alzheimer’s and is based on her mother’s story and words from the day she was diagnosed with the illness.

Her sixth book “Because We Care” is dedicated to her sister Marcia who passed away in July and to her mom Ruth who recently just passed away. The book helps readers understand traumatic brain injury, eldercare abuse and caregiving/volunteering in a nursing facility, hospital or caring for someone at home.

For 36 years, Fran Lewis worked as the Reading and Writing Staff Developer in various NYC Public Schools. She holds three master’s degrees and a PD in Supervision and Administration. She is a member of Who's Who of America's Teachers and Who's Who of America's Executives from Cambridge. She was the musical director for shows in her school and ran the school's newspaper. Fran also writes book reviews for other authors upon request.

Fran Lewis also hosts two radio shows on “Blog Talk Radio”. The “Book Discussion with Fran Lewis” is aired every third Wednesday of the month. On that show she interviews and spotlights adult authors and their works and four times a year she spotlights children’s book authors on a second show. She is the current resident book reviewer on a show with Marsha Cook; her reviews with listeners and interviewing authors before engaging in an open discussion. Fran Lewis also appears on several other shows on Red River Writers and reviews books for authors upon request as well as for Book Pleasures, Manic Readers and She also reviews for Amazon.

When asked about the message she wants to convey to readers, she answered “Understanding the differences of people and not dwelling on outward appearances is one message that I hope all adults and children will learn from my Bertha books.”… “My Alzheimer’s book was written to let everyone know that you need to support those taking care of your loved ones and most of all visit that person no matter what you have going on in your lives, Before It Is Too Late.”

"My Name is Bertha," "Bertha Speaks Out," "Bertha Fights Back," “Memories are Precious (Alzheimer's Journey: Ruth's Story)” and “Sharp As A Tack or Scrambled Eggs: Which Describes Your Brain?” are available for orders online through Xlibris, Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other online bookstores.

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