The Busy Bus: A collection of Children’s Poems By author Marsha Casper Cook
Reviewed by Fran Lewis
There are many ways to teach kids how to love poems and want to read them. There are also many creative ways to help drive many lessons and points home without them knowing it. In the collection of humorous poems called The Busy Bus, Peculiar Pete takes adults and children on a humorous, innovative and wild poetry ride filled with silly, heartwarming and creative poems to just make you smile.
The poem, The Perfect Wish is one of my favorites as the narrator wishes for a day just to have fun in a pool, to swim and hope that someone will grant his/her wish just once. I would love that too. Do Re Mi Fa So La must have been written for everyone, like myself who always wanted to sing like Pink or Madonna but in reality when they tried sounded like a lemon on a really sour day. Off key would not describe my voice when I had to get up in my Voice class in college and sang a simple tune. Everyone stifled his or her laughs until I burst out hysterical laughing. My face might have turned a bright red like a red apple and I felt like running from the room, but I looked at the humorous side of things. How many people could ruin Twinkle Twinkle Little Star? For that I would always be famous. Yes, it could happen to you.
From poems that every girl can identify with like The Brat, who tells why her sister definitely did not look like her to Nasty Miss Masters the teacher who never had to worry about discipline these poems are what every child and adult should read on a day when you just need to laugh, smile and read some great poetry.
Poems about Hiccups, Giggle Giggle Cheer, and Hit, Miss or Duck that teaches you if you keep trying you might succeed. Author Marsha Casper Cook along with Peculiar Pete take us on a giggly, funny, humorous bus ride into the land of poetry.
Each illustration will help even the non- reader to enjoy, understand and embrace each poem. For the child in everyone read this great book, give a copy to your school’s librarian, take one to your public library and buy a few copies for your kids, grandkids and friends. This children’s book should be on the shelf in every school library, classroom library, public library and your own personal children’s library at home.
I give THE BUSY BUS - Five Gold Stars.
Fran Lewis: Reviewer