A new and very important role for Marsha is her radio show on Blog Talk Radio. She hosts a show with April Robin - CEO of Red River Radio / RR Tracks, Virginia Grenier and Freda Roberts. All four hosts are accomplished writers and enjoy having questions. Marcus Bryan represents very talented writers. The screenplays open for review on their website www.marcusbryan.com have always been the best possible scripts that the agency receives with a stamp of approval. Over three hundred queries a month are e-mailed t o Marcus Bryan. Finding clients has never been a problem but finding good scripts is. All of the work they receive are opened and reviewed. There are so many talented writers out there but Marcus Bryan's message always remains the same - keep writing and one day your dream may become a reality.
Marsha hopes that one day writers, directors and producers will all work together to insure quality productions. She is open to ideas and willing to help production companies find the right script to fill their needs. Dean Kaner has joined her team in search of good writers with great scripts and they hope to attract production companies to come to them with their needs.