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Friday, December 7, 2012

More authors leaving major publishers for independent eBook options

More authors leaving major publishers for independent eBook options It would be difficult to overstate the impact eBook publishing has had on the publishing industry as a whole. And while no one area has clearly seen the greatest development in recent years, undoubtedly one of the most significant events has been the rise of independent eBook publishing, which has allowed countless authors to circumvent traditional channels to distribute their work.
As Forbes recently highlighted, the growing popularity of independent eBook publishing is now leading a number of established writers to forego the traditional path and instead leverage independent solutions for their latest works.
Independent publishing in the past
While independent publishing has been around for many years, it has traditionally been limited to so-called "vanity publishing," in which authors essentially pay publishers to see their work in print. Typically, such titles have received little publicity and not sold well.
The eBook medium has given a newfound legitimacy to the practice of independent publishing. Instead of being seen as vanity projects, independently published eBooks are receiving serious consideration, as well as numerous readers. One of the most notable publishing successes in recent years, E.L. James's "Fifty Shades of Grey," began as an independent eBook before it was picked up by an established publishing house. While no other independent eBook has matched this level of success, several others have entered bestseller lists.
A burgeoning trend
According to Forbes, it is now becoming increasingly common for well-established writers to look to independent eBook publishing options, rather than the major publishing houses they have previously worked with. For example, Bella Andre, who has previously been published by Hachette, Random House and Simon & Schuster, is now relying on independent eBook publishing to distribute her work, Forbes noted. The same is also true of Stephanie Bone, who has worked with Random House, HarperCollins, Macmillan and other publishing houses.
Self-publishing an eBook is appealing to established writers for several reasons. Perhaps most significantly, authors can gain far greater control of the process. Whereas a work will spend months passing through the various departments at a major publishing house before being released, independent eBook publishing can accelerate and simplify the process.
Additionally, authors using these eBook publishing options can retain a greater percentage of the proceeds. As Forbes noted, though, such titles often sell for a lower price than eBooks from major publishing firms.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012



Call in with Questions
(714) 242-5259

Please join Marsha Casper Cook  on December 4 at 4PM EST 3PM CST 2PM MT 1PM PST on A GOOD STORY IS A GOOD STORY for a very special show about horror and dark deep fiction! It's going to be a great show with guests  authors Christopher Beck, Elizabeth Black, Trent Zelazny,Dana Fredsti. Charles Day and  D.m Youngquis are both authors and publishers. And we also have an artist joining the discussion James Powell. Now that's a show.

Bethany Cross will be joining the show and opening up the chat room. We will be taking calls at   (714) 242-5259


For more info

Sunday, December 2, 2012


Call in to speak with the host
(714) 242-5259

Please join Marsha Casper Cook  on December 4 at 4PM EST 3PM CST 2PM MT 1PM PST on A GOOD STORY IS A GOOD STORY for a very special show about horror and dark deep fiction! It's going to be a great show with guests  authors Christopher Beck, Elizabeth Black,Trent Zelazny,Dana Fredsti. Charles Day and  D.m Youngquis are both authors and publishers. And we also have an artist joing the discussion James Powell. Now that's a show.

Bethany Cross will be joining the show and opening up the chat room. We will be taking calls at   (714) 242-5259