Special Paranormal show -
Please join the WORLD OF INK NETWORK on A Good Story Is A Good Story -
April 14 at 9 PM EST 8PM CST 7 PM MT -6PM PST when Marsha and Kelly host
a fun packed evening with Paranormal Writers and their stories. It's
not just about books it's about why they write books in the Paranormal
Genre and how they react to events in their lives that are Paranormal.
Guests for the show are Marianne Morea, Steven Spellman and Gail Gurley.
It's going to be a great show - call in with Paranormal stories if you have (714) 242-5259
for more info
http://www.world of ink network.com
Guests for the show are Marianne Morea, Steven Spellman and Gail Gurley.
It's going to be a great show - call in with Paranormal stories if you have (714) 242-5259
for more info
http://www.world of ink network.com
Link to the show