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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A GOOD STORY IS A GOOD STORY with Host Marsha Casper Cook 09/27 by World Of InkNetwork Blog Talk Radio

Please join Host Marsha Cook and her co- host Sam Oliver on September 27- 9PM EST -8PM CST - 7PM MT - 6PM PST. Sam and Marsha will be on every month - SAME TIME SAME PLACE - Author and now Novelist Sam Oliver will share insights into the nature of soul, and how we become more soul than body at the end of life. It will be in a Q / A show so come with any questions you may have pertaining to the spiritual care of the dying. Anywhere from Angels to where Eternity lies will be our topics of discussion. You, the audience will determine what we talk about.

Sam Oliver has over 21 years of experience working with the dying as a Hospice Chaplain. Presently, he is the Amedisys Hospice Chaplain in Londonderry, NH. Come join us as we seek peace and hope together. Sam's latest work "Angel Marie - The Making of an Angel" is a groundbreaking novel told through the eyes of a child. Don't miss this event.
Denise Spooner and Sandra Elrod will produce the show.We will be ready to take your calls.

call in number 714-242-5259