Join Marsha Cook and Co-host Sam Oliver on Tuesday PM EST -8PM CST- 7PM MT -6PM PST for an inspiring show about life and how even in our darkest moments in life we still need to have hope, courage and determination to go on. The world is very stressful these days but that is not when we give up - that is when we begin again.
Sam Oliver is the Author of Angel of Promise, A fish Named Ed, The Path Into Healing and has cared for the needs of the dying in palliative care for over 17 years. During that time, Sam has served as the Chair, and now, Co-Chair of the Hospice Ethics Committee at a Hospice Care Center in Northern Ohio. For well over a decade, Sam has been an active editorial review board member and contributing writer for Healing Ministry Journal, The Journal of Terminal Oncology, and The American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care. Sam began his speaking about spiritual care over 15 years ago and continues to speak at public engagements on the local, national, and international levels.
Sandra Elrod and Denise spooner will be joining in the discussion.
CALL IN AND TALK TO SAM - 714-242-5259
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